Re: Is it a proper CVS dep tree?

> There were a few CVS package dependencies lists mentioned on the list.
> Is the following diagramm close to the reality?

  Nice tree ! Useful too ... I will just add that gnome-xml doesn't
depend on gtk+ nor glib, but gnome-dom depends on gnome-xml. I don't think
that gnome-core depends on gnome-xml or gnome-dom (wasn't listed in the
list of packages for the 1.0 release) so it's more at the gnome-utils level
or the (optional) one actually. Note also that support of XML external
entities may be added later by using gnome-http ... And that WebDav support
in gnome-http would probably requires gnome-xml (Oops a loop !).

gtk+                                           gnome-xml   imlib   gtk-engines
 |________________________________________        |         |          |
 |      |          |          |          |        |         |          |
 V      V          V          V          V        V         |          V
ORBit libgtop  gnome-http  guile-core libgtop  gnome-dom    |      (optional)
 |      |          |          |          |        |         |
 |     audiofile
 |         |
 |         V
 |       esound
 |     ____|
 |    | 
 V    V
gnome-libs  gnome-objc  gnome-guile
 |             |           |
 |             |           | 
 V             |           |
gnome-core     |           |
 |         |            |               |             |             |
 |         V            V               V             V             V
 |   gnome-admin   gnome-network   gnome-utils   gnome-games   gnome-media
        |           |          |          |
        V           V          V          V
      applications (gmc, ee, gdm, litespeed, ...)


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