Re: Speech Recognition said:
// I would suggest someone point this person to Cygnus's CygWin32 website
// and show him how they can open up the source with GPL, and still make
// money off of commercial distribution.  I would love to see such a
// product being used in GNOME, but not if it is closed source as
// described.  I suspect most of us here feel similar. 

Yes, of course, and I already contacted another speech recognition team

which already provides some free C++ :-( classes to HMM modeling and 
other SR issues, but I am not sure it is usable for the moment.
(it compiles but segfaults on my Linux Box). There is no license file 
shipped with the sources though. 


  Bertrand GUIHENEUF           	E-Mail:
                               	Tel.:   (33) 01 39 63 50 36
                    !!  Use GNU/LINUX OS  !!

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