Article Ideas (Was Re: Has GNOME-Journal Died?)

Tonight I've been looking through the Wish-list and Submission Queue...

Here is one idea from the wish-list that looks killer (to me):
* Dave who works for the City of Largo and hangs out in #evolution would be a great person to interview in terms of what it's like to support a GNOME desktop. Including supporting people who don't know computers, working out issues with problems with the desktop, and as a measure of how well our usability is with someone who is seasoned in support.
 --> I've read Dave's blog a good bit - he has a perspective on things 
a lot of GNOME users don't get to experience - GNOME at work in a 
corporate environment. I for one would like to see this more 
commonplace, and I think perhaps a good interview with him would make a 
for a great read! Here is a link to his blog if you haven't read any of 
his posts:
I also love Paul's suggestion of an Empathy and Conduit topic as well as 
an interview with Stormy Peters (I think this would be huge).
I've added those two to the WishList page on the Wiki.

Also, one of mine (didn't add to wiki - wanted to run it by y'all first) would be a formal recap of GUADEC, but was thinking we'd have to act quickly on that one or it would already be stale news (if it's not already).
Another idea of mine would be an article on the GNOME Devkit Distro 
( I know Ken and Sri could 
contribute to this one (added this one to the wiki).

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