Re: [GNOME-India] GNU/Linux Asia 2004 - Plans and thereon

Hi everyone,

On Thu, 2003-12-25 at 04:59, Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay wrote:

> [1] let's get some preliminary talk with Wipro going - HS are you
> going to coordinate for the organisation ? as an individual the world
> is your oyster - where do you desire to chip in ?

> [2] Ximian/Novell - who takes up the baton ?

These guys have been really silent.

> [3] suggest goodies, demonstrations etc

Goodies ?? To give away ? Can we afford that at this point of time ? 

In terms of Demos a lot has been talked about 2.5 , yeah that would be a
good idea.

Dashboard would be a good app to demo to people.A killer application
like none other.But it needs a network.

Some on the spot demos of RAD on GNOME using Glade and Anjuta, I think
this would be a great hit among the developer crowd.

> basically my idea is to spread the expenses between 2 organisations
> (stall from one and hardware, handouts from another) so as to ensure
> that all are involved in an inclusive way without initiating
> corporate turf wars.

But cant someone negotiate with LinuxAsia 2004 and negotiate a reduction
of stall costs ? Eg : At Linux Bangalore/2003 we had given out stalls
for OpenSource projects free at the prime area of the expo.Can we
negotiate something with them ? 


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