Re: Google Code-in

On Mon, 2011-10-24 at 00:12 +0200, Gil Forcada wrote:
> I created [1] where we can start dumping all our ideas, either global or
> locale specific.
> Then, when time comes we can move to Google Code In or wherever is
> needed.

GNOME now has applied for taking part in Google Code-In.

> [1]

Looks good, though for GCI this needs to be boiled down into
"well-defined" tasks that take about 3-5 days.

Afterwards those could be added to
NOTE: This needs to be done until Monday (only 4-5 days left)!

Also any translation team could come up with tasks for their language.
It can even be generic, e.g. in the style of "Pick a po file from and translate 350 previously untranslated or
fuzzy strings". Note that every task requires a mentor that could review
contributions (and understands the language, as otherwise students might
cheat by using Google Translate - other projects had that problem in the

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