Re: Should translators change source strings?

Clytie Siddall wrote:

On 08/08/2005, at 11:45 PM, Stanislav Brabec wrote:

It would be nice to add:

If you fix a typo or wording in source string, it would be nice to fix
the string in all .po files to prevent fuzzy translations:

There is an example:

# do the change
sed 's/\(^msgid .*\)ytpo/\1typo/' *.po
# verify it
cvs diff

Remember, not all translators may be comfortable with editing directly online, with sed for example, or with the responsibility of making changes across the whole directory of .po files.

How about putting changes through key people, who have the skills and are willing to do it?

Why not have a file in the PO directory with a list of pending changes? Then the translator who finds a bug simply adds it to that file, and those who are capable of changing the source and the PO files can pick up a set of bugs in one swoop...


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