Re: Brazilian Portuguese translation team bugzilla setup.

Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <> writes:

> I have a tendency to *love* simple solutions.

I guess all of us in the technology area tend to love those. 

> I guess I lost myself in the details of my request. The main point is:
> we need edit bug privileges to the gentlemen above.

I don't think this is so easily achievable with a standard
bugzilla... Maybe they only have defined certain degrees of authority
and one person only can have it. But I'm just guessing. 

> Put me as the default owner and leave kov as the QA contact. This will
> give us both the ability to edit the bug, and if I assign it to Evandro
> he will be able to edit it also, right?
> Godoy, your blessing is needed again. ;)
> Abraços,
> Gustavo

As I said before, I'm authorizing Gustavo to assume the project. He'll
be able to conduct it better than I am now --- in fact, he's already
doing it for a while, we're just making it official.

See you, 
Godoy.     <>

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