Re: New suites vs. common release cycle [Was: Productivity suite]

tis 2005-06-14 klockan 08:39 +1000 skrev Jeff Waugh:
> <quote who="Christian Rose">
> > But from the users that actually know what GNOME is, I have received
> > nothing but positive feedback in terms of how the user experience of
> > consistency and integration has improved through the latest releases.  So,
> > at least to me it seems strange that we should intentionally start going
> > in the opposite direction, and as a consequence be diluting our brand name
> > (for those who know the difference) for no obvious reason.
> We're not really going in the opposite direction, because there will still
> be the beautifully integrated and coherent Desktop "product". However, we'll
> create more opportunities for projects to identify themselves with GNOME, be
> *part* of GNOME, and join the GNOME release process without a lot of hassle.

So we will allow more projects to call themselves "GNOME", without
actually being GNOME?

> Note that there's no formal map or design for how this will happen just yet,
> so please don't assume that we'll be throwing caution to the wind and
> tossing away everything we've learned over the past few years. Far from it;
> we just have to balance out strict and inclusive. :-)

Which brings us to another issue. When and how was it decided that
Abiword should be included in the productivity suite? It's already
listed as "included", although I've seen no public discussion (or even
consensus) about it.


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