Productivity suite (was Re: TARBALLS DUE: GNOME 2.11.3 Development Release)

lör 2005-06-11 klockan 13:27 +1000 skrev Jeff Waugh:
> So, we're going to have to work out how to handle off-site hosted projects
> as part of the aggregate GNOME releases. This is something I've committed to
> work on as part of broadening the scope of the release process, but it's
> going to be difficult, because we've had the luxury of making sure that all
> projects involved so far [1] have been hosted in GNOME CVS, FTP, bugzilla,
> etc. But we want to involve projects in the release process that *aren't*
> fully hosted with GNOME, and that's going to take quite a bit of figuring
> out.
> But this is just a long way of saying, "Welcome aboard, we hope you enjoy
> your flight. Please keep your seatbelt fastened at all times, as we will be
> experiencing high turbulence during this flight. Vodka and orange, sir?"

I for one would think it would be a sad day if we've given up the goal
of having everything in the same CVS, so that cross-module efforts (such
as translation, documentation, and so on) can have a decent chance to
work on all the modules that are supposed to be in a release.

Yes, I know that Fifth-Toe didn't have that requirement either (and with
the expected results thereof in some cases). However, I think that if we
want to make the process better by coordinating some aggregate releases
with the core release, and market those aggregate releases as extra
added value that are reasonably coherent and integrated with the rest of
the desktop (which is the whole point of having the aggregate releases
in the first place, I think) which is released at the same time, then we
better also add some reasonable requirements for the modules in those
aggregated releases.

One such requirement should be using the same CVS repository as the rest
of the desktop. Because if that is not the case, translations and
translation efforts will always be inconsistent, since they in many
cases will have to be produced by completely different teams. It doesn't
matter how HIGgy, gnome-vfsy and gconfy and otherwise useful the
application might be; if it's not consistently translated with the rest
of the desktop (which almost always happens to be the case when there
are seperate efforts involved), then it's an inconsistency that often
will be immediately visible and unappealing to users of the translated
versions. If there are inconsistencies in translations, some or all of
the HIGifying effort might have been wasted anyway, in terms of effort
of making a consistent experience...


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