Re: Testing & A Suggestion :)

>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Schonberger <robsc dingoblue net au> writes:

 Robert> Anyway, Whistler had a nice idea (which, was later clarified
 Robert> in posts, as a 'stole-from-BeOS' feature) regarding its
 Robert> tasklist.  If there were numerous copies of a windows open
 Robert> (e.g. in their screenshots , IE) - instead of having a
 Robert> clutter of them, it made a single entry in the tasklist, that
 Robert> was a drop-up list with more details (presumeably - I didn't
 Robert> find a screenshot where it was actually dropped up) about the
 Robert> program.  Personally, I think this would be a great addition
 Robert> to the deskguide/tasklist: It takes a while to find windows
 Robert> now, if you have several workspaces going on (flipping
 Robert> through each window). Any suggestions, replies to this Idea?

Sawfish is another example where this functionality is implemented. In
its window menu it will group multiple application windows into a
submenu - and it actually works really well. However, I am not totally
convinced that it will also work for the tasklist, since the tasklist
is basically a bunch of buttons, and therefore I think it would be a
mistake to introduce menu functionality to them as well.

This is of course my personal opinion, but then again I don't really
like the back button/menu in Netscape.

What I propose instead is a more Mac-like style - have a dropdown menu
where you can access the currently running apps, and then group
multiple windows into submenus here.

Maybe something like finder_applet could be used (


"Life is a big wild crazy tossed salad, but you don't eat it, no sir!
 You live it! Isn't it great?"

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