User interface suggestions


Again some suggestions, this time about a reviewed version of the
most-used item concept, applied to the desktop and to applications in

Main points:

* Most-used item technology :) extended to only-icon bars, like the
launcher bottom bar of the desktop, by converting in greyscaled icons the
less used ones - in color the most used ones.

* In the tasklist, the concept has been applied too, including minimized
tasks. I think here it'll be more useful to apply only to the tasks in
current sesion.

* In the suggestion for applications, menu&tool bars (which in my opinion
could be fusioned in only one type of bar, with all the possibilities of
only-icons, only-text, vertical-icons&text, horizontal-icons&text,
...) have received the technology too.

* Finaly the concept has been extended to files&folders management, as we
can see in the application suggestion. It'd be applied in general to every
window/dialogue that manages files/folders, like the open/save/find ones.

Well, that's all for now. Hopping to be useful, tnx 4 your time


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