Re: First UI component needing replacement.

Dominic Amann wrote:
> How about a check-box that allow the user to decide whether the file-
> dialog will "remember" that directory the next time it is used.  This
> should be on a per application basis.  The default would probably be
> "yes", so like in netscape my file-download location default to the
> last directory chosen.

But why not just allow it to be on a per application basis?  I doubt it
would ever grow beyond 10 directories.

> I realise this could be controlled by the application, but I would
> actually like it to work _across_ invocations, and work for those
> broken apps that do not remember where they were (such as Mozilla).
> Also, can we have a "hotkey" for "All-files", (including hidden),

First, there is no such thing as a hidden file.  Hidding complexity from the
user, rather than letting them work with it if they choose to, is the first
sign that we've gone from helping the user accomplish a task, to attempting
to outsmart the user at their own game.  It is petty, and most people do not
appreciate it (myself included).

Second, cltrl+a has always been select all in any dialog I've used.

(Note: we should likely document even these "obvious seeming" shortcut keys
so we can build a "new user guide" thing like Win 3.1 had.  I've yet to see
a modern GUI which gives you a proper "how to use me" intro, although the
MacOS probably has something for this :)).
> an "open folder" icon that shows what we have open, (I assume this
> was just an oversight in your mock up)

There would be a directory name listed which I see, to have forgotten to
add.  I'd prefer to add text over pictures.
> A "split" bar, that lets us split the directory tree listing, and
> scroll it independantly, to allow easier drag and drops (only the
> top window would have its files browsed).

It is split, but my  cut'n'paste skills do not display this :)
> Also, I would like the wildcard typed in the file-name bar to not
> go away when I change folders.

Of course, the don't clear the filename box behaviour has already been
argued and established.

-- -- technology and culture, from the trenches.

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