Re: File dialog (Silly Question)

Dominic Amann wrote:
> This may be a silly question, but why isn't the file manager used
> (in its entirety) as the file load/save dialog.  Can't its widget
> be in a shared lib, and be invoked directly by apps?


Time the boot up of Windows 98.  Run Revenge of Mozilla on it.  Time the
boot up of ROMed Windows 98.  Note that the ROMed Windows 98, even if it has
to quickly scandisk, boots an order of magnitude faster than plain Windows
98.  This is because Windows 98 loads IE at system start (and why, to the
uneducated, it seems fast -- all it does is window.create() when you "load"

Such horrible bloat should not be encouraged.  The file dialog is used for
ONE PURPOSE ONLY.  Why shoehorn a large, possibly multiple megabyte,
round-peg into the square hole of a common file dialog?  We'd be losing
performance, making more work (coding on Yet Another File Manager Extension
Mode, vs. a simple dialog), and forcing the user to keep some specific file
manager installed at all times.

No, it doesn't make sense, nor is it sane. :)

-- -- technology and culture, from the trenches.

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