Re: request to federico

Federico Mena Quintero <> wrote:
> >  that's true. but on a less technical level, a program that has, say, german
> >  menu items but writes english in it's document window would sure look a bit
> >  weird.
> That is a non-issue, of course.  It is the same as asking "should the
> GIMP have blind support?", or "should the waveform editor have deaf
> support?".

I'm not sure what you mean by "non-issue". is it obvious that in this case
the whole program should use only one language, or is it obvious that
nevertheless menus and dialogs should be internationalized?

what about programs like lyx where you can set the document language? should
the menus follow? probably not, but then there's the consistency thing.

I'm sure this is not a topic for discussion, but I do think it should be
made clear which solution such (rare) programs have to employ, because if
it's left open we will see a mixture, which is probably the worst solution.

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
		-- Henry Spencer

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