Re: request to federico

Federico Mena Quintero <> wrote:
> >  is there a hard line or do we state that "hints" and proposals such as this
> >  are within scope, but full details or implementation issues are not?
> As far as window managers go, the only thing we can specify is
> compliancy about supporting the GNOME window manager hints and session
> management.  We cannot specify the way a window manager should
> organize windows or their decorations.

ok, so let's use that as the rule-of-tumb.

> >  depending on the sheer volume - would it maybe make sense to move this to a
> >  seperate, all-gnome "how do I write a gnome application" guide?
> The UI Guidelines should only give programming examples and "generally
> useful information"; it is no replacement for the GNOME programmer's
> reference documetation :-)

ok, then I suggest that at least hinters, better more, are put into that
document. even people only interested in writing a gnome app fast should at
least be aware of the issues.

> Some examples on how to make sure applications internationalize well:

hmmm... a program that creates output - say a poem generator or my game - is
usually tied to a single language on the engine level. internationalization
is not an issue (ok, "File" could read "Datei", but the poem would still be
english:) ). so what compliancy level do we assign to internationalization?

> Mark Galassi has a good primer on DocBook markup here:
> DocBook is not hard; it is more or less like HTML markup with a
> greater number and more verbose tags.  It is designed to give
> documents a logical structure (chapters, sections, etc.).

ok, with lyx and html on my side, I should be able to get this stuffed into
my head somewhere. thanks.

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
		-- Henry Spencer

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