Re: Proposal for First Draft of GNOME Style Guide 1.1

Bowie Poag <> wrote:
> I get the feeling you`re sore, because the general public is now in on the
> fun, and theyre taking some of the pie away from the folks on the mailing
> list. I still fail to see why including the general public's input
> regarding a few specific* issues is a bad idea

damn, bowie, don't you get it?

it's the fact the we're on a mailing list dedicated to a topic, and then
suddenly there's an announcement the real fun will be somewhere else and not
even with a "a summary for those unable to attend will of course be posted"
you would get angry if you went to the cinema only to get - after half an
hour of ads and trailers - an announcement that the movie will be played
across town, wouldn't you? it might not be a perfect metaphor, but it's a
bit how I'm feeling. and it doesn't exactly help that you now answer with
"hey, that cinema is much bigger, why do you complain that more people will
watch the movie now?". the issue is NOT the larger audience, ok?

the very, VERY least I absolutely EXPECT is that a summary will be posted to
this list. anything else would leave me with a deep impression that this
list is just a bad joke played on the unsuspecting.

and yes, I AM angry.

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