Re: [gnome-flashback] GNOME Flashback 3.26+

On Sat, Apr 8, 2017 at 7:31 PM, Khurshid Alam <khurshid alam linuxmail org> wrote:
On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 11:32 AM, Alberts Muktupāvels <alberts muktupavels gmail com> wrote:

That PPA was created to test latest upstream changes. Maybe it might be good idea to create PPA for last stable release...

Are you using 17.04? Or on what ubuntu versions you will / want test?

Yes. Ubuntu 17.04.

Dmitry, what do you think about this? Should we have PPA with stable release? I guess most biggest problem is that we have no enough resources / time to do this... :(

Heavy screen flickering for csd windows under compiz. 

Again, more info needed, but sounds like something that is not GNOME Flashback problem. Or is it gtk-window-decorator only bug?

Not sure. It could be anything, graphics, kernel etc. But I can't reproduce under unity. I use intel 965/4400 with 4GB RAM at my workplace.

Unity does not use CSD windows, no? Can you try to `killall nautilus` and then start it with `XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME nautilus`? That should start nautilus as CSD window...

Maybe you can record screen flickering?

1. Window resize area for csd windows under compiz. To tackle the problem, Mate give us mate-compiz plugin which uses transparent resize areas.
May be you could do the same? As of now csd windows under compiz is completely useless.

Link to plugin? Don't know anything about it...

compiz-mate is forked from compiz-gnome which uses gtk-window-decorator. See here:

I think these are different problems... From link I think it speaks about resizing windows with Marco. Since their fork does not support invisible resize area it suggests to switch from Marco to Compiz.

I think your problem again is Ambiance theme... Try to add `decoration { margin: 10px; }` to `~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css`. That should give you 10px big resize are for CSD windows and also for SSD windows if using metacity with GTK+ theme.

But Compiz does not support csd windows, I would suggest to use Metacity...

There is only one animation - minimize. I don't like it too, but not sure what to do about it. I have thought about doing this:
- remove animation when compositor is not used / disabled
- create better animation for compositor, probably with option to disable it.

I like the idea. Filed a bug here:


Is someone against removing this old / ugly animation? I could remove it now, but not sure when I will have time to create better animation for compositor... That could mean we will not have any animation for 3.26 if I will not find time for it.

Link, more info? For window spread thing in marco... What version added it? Did quick look in git history and did not find anything related.

Ah right. It's not marco but marco-compton. Compton gives gpu compositing which then can be used with anything like  Skippy-XD or
brightside. But I guess we can also use compton in flashback. No? (I just don't want to use buggy compiz for this single feature.)

Yes, but you will need to disable compositing in metacity. I don't use compton so I have no idea if it works, but it should...

2. No GUI to change metacity theme.

Yes, this is problem...

Ideally we could create plugin for GNOME Control Center, but not sure if this happen because this requires that control center restores external plugins.

Other option might be to create GNOME Flashback Tweak tool, but one option is not enough...

A plugin for for control center would be nice. :)

Yes, but they will not bring external plugins only because we need it... Anyway we have more important things that needs to be fixed / done first...

3. Absence of a default global menu applet.

Is not global menu ubuntu thing?

Not really. Global menu is very popular in other desktop-environments.
For example top-menu ( can be used with mate, xfce, lxde panel.
For gnome-panel we have indicator-applet-appmenu which is designed to use with unity in the
first place and hence causes problems. There is new vala-panel-appmenu ( which also 
uses unity's gtk module, but I am not sure if it can be used with gnome-panel.

Both requires GTK+ modules - topmenu-gtk-module or unity-gtk-module... That would require to depend on one of these modules or we would need to write one. Then we would need to ensure that this module is loaded, probably can be done from gnome-flashback-init...

Then there is Qt, GTK+ 2, GTK+3... I think ubuntu has patched many apps to get them working with global menu. I can not do that as upstream... In short - it probably would work good as upstream applet and most importantly I have no time to write one. :(

I need to finish new libgnome-panel library that will replace current libpanel-applet... When it will be ready I could try to write patches that adds gnome-panel support to most popular applet / applets. Should not be hard if there is already mate-panel applet...

But again, the problem is time... I already hoped that new library will be ready for 3.24, but that did not happen... :(

4. When I use vnc session in remmina, I can not send keystroke (modifier + key) to other machine even 
when "grab-keyborad" options is enabled. may be something to do with gnome-settings-daemon?

What version you are using? GNOME Flashback in Ubuntu for some time used unity-settings-deamon and only with 17.04 we are switching back to gnome-settings-daemon.

Gnome-Flashback 3.25 from PPA on Ubuntu 17.04. I updated right after the 3.24 release and haven't update since then.

Oh, nice... Do you use Metacity also from this PPA? It has many big changes, how it is working? If you find any regression, please open bug...

Note: Normal keys are working fine. Problem arises only when I use some specific key combination:
SUPER + W, Fn + ALT + Print-Screen....etc.

What these key combinations should do?  Are they default?

I have installed vnc in one of my VM installs, I could try to test / debug this, but I need more info. Can you give some step by step instruction how to test and what to expect?

Also might be good to know version when it last worked.

It works in Ubuntu 16.04.

Upstream has already gtk+ theme as default because metacity does not have any metacity themes these days... In Ubuntu we are forced to use metacity theme, because Ambiance does not have proper support for csd windows.

IMHO, Ambiance is very bad default choice. There are other themes in the repo which supports headerbar better.

Dmitry, any plans related to default theme?


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Alberts Muktupāvels

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