[gnome-flashback] GNOME Flashback 3.26+


is anyone using / testing GNOME Flashback 3.24? I would like to receive some feedback to know on what things I should focus.

- Do we have new regressions compared to previous versions?
- What are most biggest, most important problems / bugs to you?
- Does anyone use metacity with "gtk+" theme? Or everyone is still using old "metacity" themes?
- Does anyone use metacity-theme-viewer? Probably relevant only to those who develop themes...
- Anything else?

Since I have no enough time then mostly I am focusing ONLY on next version. That means I only consider last stable as supported release. If there is need for new release for older versions and/or want some fix to be backported then you MUST ask for it...

Also I am searching for help, there is just too many things for one developer who works only in free time. For example, gnome-applets are basically unmaintained... :(

With help I mean anything:
- Testing and reporting bugs.
- Writing patches. I will be happy even about small patches that fixes build warnings and/or simple deprecations. gnome-panel and gnome-applets are full of build warnings and deprecations...
- Money, either as bounty for fixing certain bugs or simply saying thank you. In case you want support me - https://www.paypal.me/muktupavels.
- Something else...

Alberts Muktupāvels

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