Re: [gnome-flashback] Issues with gnome-flashback on Ubuntu 16.04

On Sat, Dec 5, 2015 at 5:34 PM, Sebastian Geiger <lanoxx gmx net> wrote:
I have been planning to finish work on the keyboard stuff before Ubuntu 16.04 will go into freeze. So that Dmitry can still package it for 16.04. Currently I think I will find the time during the Christmas Holidays.

So it will hopefully be ready in early January.

Unless they are planing to add GTK+ 3.20 in Ubuntu 16.04 I think we need to forget about idea to get Flashback 3.20 packages in 16.04. Metacity already depends on GTK+ 3.20 and it looks like gnome-flashback will have that dependency too, because of all css/theme changes that are going in GTK+ 3.20.

When ubuntu will be close to freeze we might decide which commits to push to gnome-3-18 branches and just make 3.18.x releases.

Alberts Muktupāvels

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