Re: adding docs in GNOME Library

Thanks Fred & Andre,

GTG indeed has no documentation at the moment as it is WorkIn Progress on Gitorious. The plan is to finish the first release of docs and have it included by the end of June. As soon as it is ready I'll ping you and file the request on Bugzilla if needed.


On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 3:46 AM, Frederic Peters <fpeters gnome org> wrote:
Hi Radina,

> On Thu, 2012-04-12 at 01:50 +0200, Radina Matic wrote:
> > Tiffany suggested I contact you with this question: I am working on
> > user documentation for Getting Things GNOME! app and I was wondering
> > what's is the procedure for including it in GNOME Library once
> > finished... Documentation project is on Gitorious, and once concluded
> > it will be included with the rest of the code that the dev team has on
> > Launchpad. So, considering that nothing is on, what
> > needs to be done to include the GTG user manual in GNOME Library?
> I assume that Frederic can answer this (in CC).

Thanks Andre for copying me on this as I missed it.

> Another option is to file a request in

That's the way for modules that are not part of official modulesets;
Radina, do not hesitate and open a bug whenever the documentation is
made part of the getting things gnome tarball. However do note that
library-web will expect an autotools build system to find the
documentation, and this doesn't seem to be the case for gtg at the
moment. Ping me in #docs (fredp) when you're ready, I'll look with
you at the possibilities to make it work with library-web nevertheless.


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