Re: adding docs in GNOME Library

Hi Radina,

> On Thu, 2012-04-12 at 01:50 +0200, Radina Matic wrote:
> > Tiffany suggested I contact you with this question: I am working on
> > user documentation for Getting Things GNOME! app and I was wondering
> > what's is the procedure for including it in GNOME Library once
> > finished... Documentation project is on Gitorious, and once concluded
> > it will be included with the rest of the code that the dev team has on
> > Launchpad. So, considering that nothing is on, what
> > needs to be done to include the GTG user manual in GNOME Library? 
> I assume that Frederic can answer this (in CC). 

Thanks Andre for copying me on this as I missed it.

> Another option is to file a request in 

That's the way for modules that are not part of official modulesets;
Radina, do not hesitate and open a bug whenever the documentation is
made part of the getting things gnome tarball. However do note that
library-web will expect an autotools build system to find the
documentation, and this doesn't seem to be the case for gtg at the
moment. Ping me in #docs (fredp) when you're ready, I'll look with
you at the possibilities to make it work with library-web nevertheless.


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