Re: Orca Docs (was Re: gcalctool Updated screenshots)

Don Scorgie wrote:
Normally, the documentation for a module goes in with the module in CVS.
Except in special cases (like the user guide).  If its a full manual, it
should go in with the module.


It'd be nice to have something in the docs for Orca by GNOME 2.16.
There is a section in the accessibility guide about the screenreader,
though it only provides a link to the gnopernicus manual just now.  If
some docs could be put into place by release, I can change this to point
to the Orca docs.  I had planned on updating the section this cycle, but
have been getting swamped with other projects.

There is already a User Guide for Orca checked in Orca CVS.  See:

What I did yesterday was the manual page (orca.1), as I know we are going to
need this when Orca is included with JDS/GNOME for Solaris in a few weeks.

I've attached this first cut. Do you need it checked into Orca CVS before Monday
for GNOME 2.16 as well? I'm happy to do this if it's needed.
Title: &synp-tt;
%commonents; %booktitles; ]> orca1 1 Sep 2006 &man1; &release; generic &suncopy; orca orcaa screen reader / magnifier &cmd; s -gui-setup -setup t -text-setup n -no-setup ? -h -help v -version q -quit &desc-tt; Orca is a screen reader for people with visual impairments, and provides alternative access to the desktop by making use of speech synthesis, braille, and magnification support on the platform. In addition, orca only provides access to applications/toolkits that support the assistive technology service provide interface (AT-SPI), which include GTK, Mozilla, Firefox, Evolution, OpenOffice, StarOffice, Java/Swing, etc. &opts-tt; The following options are supported: sWhen starting orca bring up the GUI configuration dialog. You can also use -gui-setup or -setup to specify this option. tWhen starting orca initiate the text-based configuration. You can also use -text-setup to specify this option. nWhen starting orca force the application to be started without configuration, even though it might have needed it. This is useful when starting orca via something like gdm. You can also use -no-setup to specify this option. ?Show the help message of this release of the orca program. You can also use h or -help to specify this option. vReturn the orca version number. You can also use -version to specify this option. qQuit orca. You can also use -quit to specify this option. &exde-tt; In order for this "Accessible GNOME Desktop" to be accessible to users who are blind or have low vision, users will need to employ an assistive technology (AT) that exposes the graphical desktop information encoded in the GNOME Accessibility Framework. Customers with blind employees/students need to have the ability to adapt and customize their assistive technology solutions - both to improve the efficiency of their blind users (to help make up for disadvantages inherent in not being able to "see" the entire screen immediately at a glace), and also to "work around" poorly designed and not particularly accessible applications that their blind users need to use. orca is an extensible assistive technology that provides end-user access to applications and toolkits that support the GNOME Accessibility Framework. It has been designed with direct continual feedback from its disability user community. orca uses a "scripting" approach to easily allow customization per application and provides the ability for each user to further customize their AT environment based on their own preferences. The "scripting" approach of orca provides a much more adaptable and compelling assistive technology solution than existing AT for the JDS desktop. Functionally orca has to do 4 major things: Present information to the user via speech synthesis (text-to-speech), or refreshable braille (hardware connected to serial or USB port), or a magnified image on the user's display. Acquire information from the applications and desktop graphical display via the GNOME Accessibility Framework. Track events occurring in the applications and desktop graphical display via the GNOME Accessibility Framework. Intercept and optionally consume user input events from the system keyboard and the buttons on a refreshable braille display. Based on the input, orca will either pass the event on to the application for normal processing, execute Orca-specific commands (such as reading the next line in the display or panning the braille display), or perform operations on application objects (such as clicking buttons or modifying text areas). orca will also: be a collection of building blocks that comprise screen reading and magnification technology, including use of text-to-speech, braille input/output, magnification logic, screen reading logic, keyboard and mouse interception modules, and event coalescing. be developed with the standard GNOME build environment. support multiple braille displays. support the gnome-speech module for text-to-speech. intercept keyboard & mouse events through the GNOME Accessibility Framework and other supported X mechanisms. support the gnome-mag module to provide end-user magnification of the screen between 2 and 16 times magnification in integer increments. render its own graphical user interface using GTK+ widgets. provide a scripting mechanism, giving it the ability to customize how each application on the JDS desktop is handled by orca. provide further customization on a per-user basis. &exit-tt; The following exit values are returned: 0 Application exited successfully 1 Application exited with error 2 orca cannot parse its command line options. &file-tt; The following files are used by this application: /usr/bin/&cmd; orca executable ~/.orca/ user's personal configuration settings for orca &attr-tt; See attributes5 for descriptions of the following attributes: ATTRIBUTE TYPEATTRIBUTE VALUE AvailabilitySUNWgnome-a11y-orca Interface stabilityExternal &also-tt; orca online reference manual. Latest version of the GNOME Accessibility Guide for your platform. Latest version of the GNOME Desktop User Guide for your platform. 5 ¬e-tt; Written by Rich Burridge, Sun Microsystems Inc., 2006.

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