Re: web control applet draft, question

On Mon, Feb 21, 2000 at 05:00:31PM -0500 or thereabouts, David C. Mason wrote:
> First I think what we are really talking about it the theme itself we
> are capturing in a screenshot - not exactly the wm. For example - if
> we decide on Clean Big, we can use E or sawmill(maybe another I don't
> know).

As far as I know, the gtk themes work with windowmaker, so if that's
what you mean, you can add that to the list. However, looking in the
Theme Selector on the control centre, I don't see "Clean Big". Am I
misunderstanding what theme people are talking about?

I am using the one from there which is labelled 'Default', with a 
different font, Lucida, at the moment. When I take screenshots, I try 
to make sure I don't have my root window background colour in, however
delightful I find it.

And I was thinking about this yesterday. I use screenshooter to grab
pictures, and screenshooter has the ability to remove window manager
decorations. If you are looking at the contents of a window, do you
even need the titlebar and so on on the thing? 

> change or start a different X. However, choosing carefully as to make
> it something that will look familiar to the *average* new user who
> starts up GNOME for the first time.

I agree with this :)
> So - lets think about the gtk theme - the wm theme and come to a
> consensus sometime soon!

Well, I think I'm using some default theme of some sort, as I say :)
But I can't find this Clean Big thing! (Peers curiously, pokes around...)


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