Re: [gnome-db] gda_column_get_primary_key()

On Fri, 2008-11-21 at 08:53 +0100, Vivien Malerba wrote:
>         Is it normally in the database server, other than in this
>         extra libgda
>         meta data that you store in the database?
> It's up to you (as a programmer) to decide how you organize where data
> is stored.

I guess I'm not going to get an answer, or this is your way of saying

For instance, the list of fields and their data types _is_ obtainable
from the database server. I just wanted to know if the is-primary-key
property is available in the same way.

In Glom we will probably just store this in our separate Glom::Field
data. There are already other things that libgda (and/or the underlying
database) can't reliably tell us. 


>         I guess you use a special table to store that metadata. Is
>         that table
>         name and data format documented somewhere?
> There are several tables and views (all starting with an undersore),
> see the description here:

Excellent. Thanks. That's reassuring. I assume that you have committed
to some API stability for that structure.

You might also want to make it clear when a gda_column_set_*() function
has no actual effect on the database, as seen by a non-libgda

murrayc murrayc com

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