Re: [gnome-db] database xml - xml database new from uri

On Fri, 2003-08-22 at 14:06 +0200, Philippe CHARLIER wrote:
> Hi,
> Still in my quest to use xml-database ;-)
> I managed to create a XML database with tables (with no datas for the
> moment, but with table properties defined).
> This XML database is saved to disk with the correct access right.
> So far, so good.
> Now I would like to reopen this database to read/add datas to it, ...
> well for the moment to read it and eventually to add tables or add
> fields to existing tables.
> To do that, I used the function "gda_xml_database_new_from_uri()".
> Before going further, I printed its content as a string to be sure it is
> correctly loaded (using "gda_xml_database_to_string()").
> Well, I get an empty database ???
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <database name="airports" version="0.91.0"/>
> instead of the data that I have in the file :
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <database name="airports" version="0.91.0"><tables><table
> name="airport"><field name ......... </tables></database>
> Is it normal that "gda_xml_database_new_from_uri()" just create an empty
> database with the name and uri of the one on the disk (without the
> tables and tables datas) ?
no, it's not normal. There is missing code in one function which I am
adding as we speak. As soon as it's in CVS I'll send a message to the
list so that you can get it and test it.

sorry for the inconveniences, but thanks to you, we'll have a fully
working GdaXmlDatabase, so just a bit of patience :-)


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