Re: [gnome-db] SQL Query Types

On Sat, 2003-08-23 at 16:32 +0000, Chris Silles wrote:
> Hi,
> Just to explain what it is I'm working on- I'm currently in the initial stages 
> of developing a PHP extension for libgda, and although progress has been good 
> so far, I've got a little issue regarding the different methods of executing 
> commands on a data source depending upon whether the statement is a 'query' 
> or 'non-query'. The problem being, I'd like to implement a generic 'query' 
> function which accepts the statement as a parameter, however so far there is 
> no clear way of deciding how to execute it...
> Although the parser in libsql recognises a few types of query, there is 
> nothing to determine provider-specific statements. Should a method of doing 
> this be included it would aid tremendously the addition of text-mode clients 
> or other such scenarios where a query of unknown type may be presented by the 
> user.
> What is the feeling of the team on adding such a thing?
I am not clear on what exactly you want to add. Could you ellaborate a
bit more please?

You can always execute any kind of commands using the
gda_connection_execute_command/execute_single_command. You don't really
need to know what kind of statement it is, unless you want to do some

If it is a non-query statement, the data model returned will have 0
columns, and the number of rows will be the number of rows affected by
the statement, as returned by the provider.

So, what is exactly what you are intending to do?



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