Re: [gnome-cy] Accelerators, HTML

On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 12:32:20PM +0000, Kevin Donnelly wrote:

> I agree.  But I have one question related to "cyfeiriadur" - if that is used 
> for "directory", what do we use for "address-book"?

Llyfr Cyfeiriadau. Easy.

> > which I don't think matches well with the original, since it seems to me
> > to imply "user's name" whereas it isn't necessarily anything to do with
> > the user's name at all. I suspect something based on "cyfrif" would be
> > better.
> Enw defnydd, defnydd-enw?

Enw cyfrif (account name, as opposed to user's Real Name)

> > "Remove". The current favourite is "Tynnu", which I don't feel works
> > very well, since the obvious meaning is "pull". We could use "dileu" but
> > there's probably a reason why the English doesn't use "delete" in the
> > frist place.

In the GNOME glossary, Remove is defined as "To delete permanently",
so 'Dileu' is fine but in other contexts it could well mean 'to take
away' or 'to take off'.

> > "Desktop". Currently, "bwrdd gwaith" is getting used. Literally, that's
> > something like "work table". It doesn't help that "desktop" is used to
> > mean more than one thing: what you can see on the screen, the whole
> > Gnome environment, and what'r underneath all your windows. At any rate,
> > I don't really like "bwrdd gwaith".
> Nor do my kids, who can't understand where it has come from or what it really 
> refers to. 

Penbwrdd. Has long been used for DTP - Cyhoeddi penbwrdd. But people
that standardise terms don't always choose the most sensible option.

> I think "teclyn" is terrific.

Teclyn is already used for 'tool'/menu/bar etc. Of course, widget is
really just a synonym for tool.
> I agree (for what it's worth - all my comments should be in the light of the 
> fact that I'm butting in to your language here :-).  That raises another 
> point - animate versus inanimate.  To me, it seems that inanimate things 
> should preferably have the ending -ydd, and animate things the ending -wr 
> (unless where there is a history of using something else).  But "server" has 
> been translated sometimes as "gwasanaethwr" which, apart from being long, 
> implies a person to me rather tahn a thing - I think "gweinydd"  is much 
> better.

So do I, which is why I originally introduced it to the world.
> Another question: is "configure" "ffurfweddu" or "ffurfosod"?  And is 
> "application" "cymhwysiad" or "cymhwysiant"?

Cymhwysiad (but who uses it?!)
Dafydd Tomos                                <URL:>

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