Re: More namespacing woe ...

Miguel de Icaza <miguel helixcode com> writes:

> > What details? As I have already mentioned gnome-vfs uses "tar:" where
> > the moniker in bonobo uses "untar:". Similarly for "gzip:"
> > vs. "gunzip:". As far as I can tell, both use a syntax like
> > 
> > file://host/some/path/file.tar#tar:/path/inside/archive
> I asked you to provide a detailed description.  If the spelling for
> the `gzip:' token is different or the arguments are different that the
> monikers it will not help to have them unified.

gzip works in the analogous way:

> now, to achieve unification, I requested you to post a detailed and
> precise description of how those work on the vfs land.  Once that is
> done, we can make sure our ::parseDisplayName methods in the monikers
> work the same way.

What more detail do you need than what I provided? I thought that was
more than enough to change the moniker code to match.

Please provide a detailed and precise explanation of what additional
information you need.

 - Maciej

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