Re: Mouse scroll wheel/button and hand dexterity

Steve Lee writes:
> 2008/7/30 Janina Sajka <janina rednote net>:
> > We probably need to do better integrating the various customizations
> > available. We also need to expand our existing specs where functionality
> > is missing.
> >
> > The Open A11y group has finished a Keyboard I/O spec which goes only so
> > far as what is in Xkb. Perhaps this is one use case for a future rev of
> > the spec.
> I agree that this should be addressed in the interests of filling one
> of the gaps current provision and rounding out support.
> However this is largely an issue with *mouse* use so would that spec
> make a good home without a rename?

Probably not. Also, I'm loathe to open a spec for one feature alone.
There must be other use cases and issues that we've not covered. These
we should actively collect to see where we need to work.

I will bring this up on next Tuesday's Open A11y call to discover
whether people think RFEs like this one belong on the existing Keyboard
bugs Wiki, or a separate new Wiki for open issues.

Either way, we can certainly use Open A11y resources at the Linux
Foundation to start collecting these kinds of requests.


> Steve


Janina Sajka,	Phone:	+1.202.595.7777;	sip:janina a11y org
Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC	http://CapitalAccessibility.Com

Marketing the Owasys 22C talking screenless cell phone in the U.S. and Canada
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Chair, Open Accessibility	janina a11y org	
Linux Foundation

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