Re: Fire Vox [ was Re: Orca and Firefox ]


On Fri, Nov 03, 2006 at 02:01:25PM +1100, Luke Yelavich wrote:
> Kenny, can this new script co-exist alongside Orca's original firefox 
> script?
> If so, I may see about getting it, as well as the firevox extension 
> packaged for feisty, and may make edgy packages for it available as 
> well.

A Fire Vox package would be good for Edgy, but I would just document what I did
and not change anything in the Orca package.  Fire Vox gives much better
access to web sites in Firefox 2.0, but the cost is loss of access to
Firefox dialogs like preferences.  Since I already have preferences set
the way I want, I am willing to accept the cost.  If I need access to a
Firefox dialog, I just mv the* scripts out of the way and
restart Orca.  When I have finished, I mv the* scripts back
and restart orca again.

The script I used is already part of Orca 1.0 in Edgy.
The comments in the script say it is intended for use with self voicing
applications.  The Fire Vox extention makes Firefox 2.0 into a self
voicing app that uses Orca for it's speech output.
Fire Vox could use freetts instead of Orca, but there isn't a package for it, and I haven't been able to get it working in
Ubuntu or main stream Debian.

According to the developers, Firefox 3.0 and Orca 2.18 will provide much
better access to web sites, so the Fire Vox extention shouldn't be
needed any longer.  If that turns out not to be the case, we can make
sure Fire Vox is available in Feisty before release.


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