Re: Gnome and support for the visually impaired

Dave Mielke wrote:

Hi Dave:

You are absolutely right about the case-inversion problem. Perhaps I would have noticed if I were using braille, but it's a problem that bites many users. Peter and I have mentioned this to the gnopernicus team before.

It's not totally clear what the best solution is. If, for instance, we announced when the CapsLock key changed state, I might not hear the message or it might have gotten interrupted by some other message. If gnopernicus announced each shift state change, would that be too annoying? At least I might notice that pressing "shift" was causing gnopernicus to say "lower case" (for instance) instead of "upper case".

Who would like to file the bug?  I am guessing this is a gnopernicus RFE.


[quoted lines by Bill Haneman on 2005/09/30 at 09:12 +0100]


Please note that one of the problems you encountered, which would indeed make
an employee of a company look stupid, is that you had the case inverted, i.e. that which should've been lowercase was in uppercase and vice versa. This is
such a simple thing, yet it'd make such a bad (and wrong) impression. It's
little things like this which users would notice because it'd make others
notice them and incorrectly perceive incompetence.

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