Re: [g-a-devel] New docs up: "Mozilla Support for Linux/UNIX Assistive Technology Developers"

On Fri, Sep 15, 2006 at 05:09:27PM -0400, Willie Walker wrote:
> If were to summarize in one sentence:  "we agree it should be done, but
> it's too hard and nobody is willing to take it on."
> Is there any creative way to get someone fired up to do this?
Maybe a Google "Summer of Code" project next year if they're planning to offer
those again? You would need someone who was already acquainted with the
relevant internals of Mozilla, however, otherwise they would spend much of
their time acquiring background knowledge instead of implementing a solution.
Perhaps designing the solution in advance would be a good start.

Any other source of funding would surely help. Once this was in place,
the coding challenge/opportunity could be advertised publicly.

Part of the problem seems to be the design of an appropriate solution. Perhaps
you could open up a design competition on the Mozilla Web site for experienced
Mozilla contributors.

These ideas are not mutually exclusive; nor are they exhaustive of the

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