[Glade-users] How To Change the content of the main container

2009/8/25 Domenico Nappo <domenico.nappo at gmail.com>

Hi There,
How can I design and develop a gui application that, in response of an
event (e.g. clicking on a toolbar button), it changes the content of main
frame, like a notebook pages widget.
I don't want to use a notebook widget because it's not correct for the UI

What do you mean by this? You can hide / delete the standard notebook tabs
and switch the notebook pages in the 'on click' event of any button.  I do
it this way and it works fine.

For example, clicking on a Search button, in the main container a search
form would appear. Clicking on another button, the search form would
disseappear (hiding it without destroying it) and a treeview widget should
How can I do that?
Thanks in advance,

LUK (gromot)

Glade-users maillist  -  Glade-users at lists.ximian.com

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