[Glade-users] Glade for Windows: autogen problem

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If you want, disable output of build files.
Then what?  I would have to make my own makefile?  I don't think I am
enough of an expert to do that.
Actually, in windows, a lot of people prefer using some sort of an IDE
instead of using makefiles. Dev-C++, MS Visual C++ and MingW Development
Studio are some of the best IDEs.

 >Better still, use LibGlade.
So the http://glade.gnome.org/FAQ says it is better for larger projects
but I have
no clue yet how to use that.  I have not yet found a getting started guide
that.  Any suggestions for this?
I think using LibGlade is the only available option since the source code
generation option has been deprecated (for reasons many don't agree with). I
think the libglade sample and test files along with the API reference that
is available is good enough to start off anyone with libglade.

Btw, here's a makefile that i made manually for compiling directly off the
command line: see attachment. Just change a few parameters for your project:
INST_DIR = "c:\gtk" or c:\gtk-2.4  etc. (i.e. whereever u've installed gtk)
SRCS = your source files
OBJS = the first few .o files can be changed to your object files
OUTPUT = the executable to be built


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# Created by Ishan Chattopadhyaya for winGTK.       #
# You are free to use it in your winGTK projects.   #

# Compiler
# Parameters given to the compiler
CFLAGS=3D-s -mwindows -mno-cygwin -fnative-struct -I$(INSTDIR)\INCLUDE\ =

# Change the name of your output file here #

# Modify your source files here #
SRCS=3D"dial_test.c"  "gtkdial.c"

# Change the object files, according to the source files, here #
OBJS=3D"dial_test.o"  "gtkdial.o" $(INSTDIR)\LIB\libgtk-win32-2.0.dll.a =
$(INSTDIR)\LIB\libglib-2.0.dll.a $(INSTDIR)\LIB\libgobject-2.0.dll.a  =
$(INSTDIR)\LIB\libgdk-win32-2.0.dll.a  "$(INSTDIR)\icons\rsrc.o"

# Standard targets
all: compile_res
        $(CC) -c $(SRCS) $(CFLAGS)
        $(CC) -o $(OUTPUT) $(OBJS) $(CFLAGS)

        windres --include-dir $(INSTDIR)\INCLUDE\ --include-dir =
$(INSTDIR)\INCLUDE\G__~1 --use-temp-file -I rc -O coff -i =
"$(INSTDIR)\icons\RSRC.RC" -o "$(INSTDIR)\icons\RSRC.o"

test: all

        del *.o


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