Re: [Gimp-user] Can't Install 2.10.14

Am 26.12.19 um 20:50 schrieb Blanco2020:

It's currently not know what exactly is happening there, especially as
the only change between the previous version of the 2.10.14 installer
and the current one is the fix for a different issue (where the Sophos
anti-malware applications were blocking access to one of GIMP's
dependency libraries).

This post was very helpful.  I dl'd 2.10.12 and opened it up with no problems.
Knowing 2.10.14 is giving other users problems makes it far less frustrating for
me.  I suppose I'll wait a couple of months and try to dl and open 2.10.14
again.  Hopefully the issue will be resolved by then.

You could even get the previous 2.10.14 installer, unless you are also
using any Sophos products.

Do you use an nVidia graphics card?

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