Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp 2.10 very slow

On 05/17/2018 11:49 PM, labaxp wrote:

We  are not here to discuss how much we spent for gimp.
We are spending time on the issues here, though, so discussing and
spending are intertwined.

But let's not get too distracting, because...

This forum is to discuss bugs and other issues we are facing and to share
opinions and maybe ways (if someone found) to improve gimp.
... this is what we actually want to do.

The corresponding bug report is:

Different compiler flags are likely the reason for speed differences
encountered in different builds, and figuring out those which provide
fast, yet still accurate results is the constructive way to go forward.

GPG: 96A8 B38A 728A 577D 724D 60E5 F855 53EC B36D 4CDD

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