Re: [Gimp-user] 'critical error' running luminosity mask script

Thanks a bunch, Rich -- that script works without error and much faster, too, and the masks are in the proper order when done.

But it seems a lot less aggressive; meaning, the "LLL" mask still includes much of the image, not just the brightest parts. It's working, just doesn't generate as strong a separation as I would need to make it useful.

If I have time to poke around at it, I will. And if there are any other luminosity mask scripts out there I haven't heard of, I'm all ears! (In my secret dreams I hope that a scripter somewhere will make a fancy exposure-blending mask-making tool...)

Much obliged,


I do not suppose any of you mailing list guys ever even think of looking at the
gimpusers forum, after all why should you.

but similar question came up a few days ago

The Gimp 2.10 appimage is not the best when it come to adding scripts and
plugins, however for once it works.

Just pop the script sg-luminosity-masks29.scm in

looks like this:

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