Re: [Gimp-user] Move tool locks; what's triggering it?

On 06/13/2017 05:32 PM, nateart wrote:
Thanks - will take a look at the settings... I have started checking
that other apps are closed while I Gimp - that definitely helps

My work is mostly geared to print, commonly 300dpi. Greeting cards (normally
5"x7" or double) are one thing, but 20"x30" wall prints can get huge - I assume
that the number of layers in a file would be a factor?

The word "humongous" comes to mind.  Some things I would suggest is
cropping layers that do not fill the entire image, so they do not eat up
any more memory than necessary; avoid converting text layers to image
layers where and as possible; and maybe most important, delete your undo
history early and often - it uses a lot of memory.

Another thing to consider is the distance from which the poster will be
viewed.  The further away from the viewer the less DPI resolution is
needed.  300 DPI is standard for materials that will be hand held, but
200 might be acceptable for a poster that will hang on a wall.  Some
experiments might be in order.


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