Re: [Gimp-user] A sad case of regression ?

On 06/14/2013 08:14 PM, Helen wrote:
It would take too long a message to do justice to your question, but
a quick version goes something like
My agent sends a jpg of the card she plans to mail out, asking me to edit.
I edit, save to jpg becasue tha's what she wants, and it has now
disappeared off my screen.

This is truly bizarre.  I'm running GIMP 2.8.4 on Ubuntu 13.04 Linux
(64-bit) and I just tried this and did not get the behavior you
describe.  Here is what happened for me:

 1. I open a JPEG file in GIMP
 2. I make an edit (like erasing part of it)
 3. I right-click on the image and click "File", then "Export" and
    export to JPEG format
 4. I set the JPEG save options and save the file
 5. The original image is *still* displayed and I must manually close
    the window.  When doing this, I'm prompted to save the file or not. 
    After doing this (regardless of my saving or not), the image goes
    away and I'm left with the default image window with no image loaded

What exact steps do you follow to save the image to JPEG format after
making your initial edits?



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Stay with me... Sway with me.../

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