> From: gespertino gmail com
> Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2011 13:22:35 -0300 > To: gimp-developer-list gnome org > Subject: Re: [Gimp-developer] suggestion for new versions of GIMP > > But please, first make sure those features (or equivalent ones) aren't > available in GIMP and don't use other applications as a reference. This is so very true about GIMP, a lot of beginner-level requests for new features are already included in GIMP, you just have to know what GIMP calls it and where to find it. As an example, take Chandana's earlier comment: > I am a fan of GIMP. I was thinking, when we get shortcut keys for all operations in the menu. Please add this also as a user request. > Thank you, > Chandana Don't like GIMP's preset shortcut keys? Change Them! Go to the "Edit" menu and open the "Keyboard Shortcuts" screen: http://docs.gimp.org/2.6/en/gimp-concepts-shortcuts.html You can assign keyboard shortcuts to any and every option in any menu, to the toolbox items, and a dozen more context-specific functions that don't even have menu or toolbox equivalents in the first place (one of my favorites: assigning shortcuts to increase/decrease your brush scalar -- I set mine to the - and = keys) In fact, under GIMP's main preferences you can also try the "Dynamic keyboard shortcuts" option: http://docs.gimp.org/2.6/en/gimp-pimping.html#gimp-prefs-interface Which allows you to create and change keyboard shortcuts at any time just by hovering your mouse over the desired option and pressing whatever shortcut you want it to have. This is a really powerful feature to know about, even though it's also somewhat risky (you don't want to accidentally mess up a keyboard shortcut you wanted for something else!) So, Chandana's user request already exists ... in a sense. You don't have to wait for the GIMP team to do something when you already have the means to do it yourself, and all you need to learn is what and how. Both GIMP and Photoshop have relatively high learning curves and they operate using different concepts. But once you've actually used one or the other for awhile things get much easier. -- Stratadrake strata_ranger hotmail com -------------------- Numbers may not lie, but neither do they tell the whole truth. |