Re: [Geary] Geary maintainership

On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 8:32 PM, Michael Gratton <mike vee net> wrote:
Hey Adam, On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 10:46 AM, Adam Dingle <adam medovina org> wrote:
As some of you know I'm the founder of Yorba, the (now defunct) open source company that developed Geary. I talked last week with Jim Nelson, who was the lead author of Geary, as well as Charles Lindsay who worked on it too at Yorba. We would all love to see Geary live on. (I use Geary every day, and am writing this message in it now!) Unfortunately none of the 3 of us have time to contribute to development at this point.
This is great news! >From the response over the last week and a bit it also seems like the community wants to keep Geary improving given with people willing and able to contribute in a bunch of ways.
If someone wants to volunteer to be the new primary maintainer, we would be interested in passing the baton. To contribute to the current Geary repository you would need to be a GNOME member. If that's an issue, we could always move Geary to a repo at GitHub and continue work there. Anyone who maintains Geary should be committed to reviewing and commiting patches from other contributors as appropriate. I believe there may be a few patches sitting in GNOME Bugzilla right now.
I'm happy to volunteer to be the new primary maintainer, and start wrangling patches, but I'm not currently a GNOME (Foundation?) member, so I guess I'd have to apply?

Mike, that's great news that you'd like to be the new maintainer.  If you think you're already eligible to be a GNOME member (because you've already made significant contributions to one or more GNOME projects), you can apply to GNOME now.  Otherwise, for the moment you can just work in GNOME Bugzilla: if you comment that any patch is ready to land, then I'll commit it to master when I see that (make sure I'm on the cc list for the bug).  Once you've done that for a little while, you should be able to successfully apply for a GNOME membership and then you can run the whole process yourself.  Thanks!


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