Re: [gDesklets] Button ID proposal

Hi there,

sorry for the delay... busy times ;).

> I think it's good to pack up now.  It works as far as I can tell, but I
> think more work on my WeeklyCalendar will help prove that.

Still a lot of polishing needs to be done on the (basic) desklets. This
should be done from RC1 to final (IMHO).

> I'm curious what your reasons are.  I think the Control method is a good
> idea (for ease of maintenance, at least).  Then again, the core does already
> have methods of generating pop-ups...maybe if I knew the arguments for and
> against I could weigh in with better reasons :)

Well...  hard to tell.
There are a lot of small things that make me think about it.

Like that there seems no way to tell the PopUp which desklet calls it
(AFAIK). So - worst case - lots of PopUps pop up and needs an
interaction of the user. This can be hard for the user if he/she cannot
link the popup to the desklet.

Furthermore there seems no way (again AFAIK) to close open PopUps when
the desklet is closed. This can lead to orphaned popups.

And some other small things that sum up.

But finally: the display file should be for the display/GUI (only) and
the controls for the rest. I am not sure where popups should be placed
here, but I think they are more part of the display/GUI...

But again: I am not really sure about it, but the more I think about it
the integration into the ADL looks nicer/better to me.

Something like:

  <lot of display ADL>


But I am *really* not sure about it.... :/

Greetings, Bjoern

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