Slackware 11 (rc5) and gar 2.16.0 issues

I am new to garnome, but wanted to build it for Slackware 11. I have not
succeeded yet. I have a couple of questions and observations:

obv) Slackware ships Seamonkey and the whole dev libraries. Epiphany and
other programs that expect either mozilla or firefox don't like this and
configure halts. I think xulrunner will be needed.

question) Is it normal for gar to build all libraries in the gnome
directory even if they are already installed on the host? For example, I
have cairo 1.2.4 installed yet it is compiled again (causes errors about
symbols undefined as explained in another post.)
> FT_GlyphSlot_Embolden... yes
> checking for FT_Load_Sfnt_Table... yes

Yet the symbol is deemed undefined later.

question) Looking at the conf files, is gar even looking at the traditional
library paths? Or does it automatically create all dependent libraries?
Can this behavior be modified?

Right now, I have not gotten through the whole process, but if I do, will
report how :)

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