Problem with Pyrex?

Okay, I'm going to be blunt. I'm impatient when it comes to new software. I really do not want to wait for Fedora Core 6 so I can get this lovely goodness known as GNOME 2.16, so I'm going to use garnome. However, I've run across an odd problem.

==> Building freedesktop/dbus-python as a dependency
make[10]: Entering directory `/home/techokami/unzipped/garnome-2.16.0/freedesktop/dbus-python'
[===== NOW BUILDING:    dbus-python-0.71        =====]
       [fetch] complete for dbus-python.
       [checksum] complete for dbus-python.
       [extract] complete for dbus-python.
       [patch] complete for dbus-python.
       [fixup] complete for dbus-python.
       [configure] complete for dbus-python.
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "", line 9, in ?
   from Pyrex.Distutils import build_ext
ImportError: No module named Pyrex.Distutils
make[10]: *** [build-custom] Error 1

Am I missing something?  Or is it some other error in another part of this?
Keep up the good work, guys!

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