Re: Hearts considered?

On Sat, 2006-05-27 at 14:41 +0200, Sander Marechal wrote:
> What would be the best scripting language to use from a gnome-games 
> point of view? Scheme/guile?
Guile is fairly good these days (that is, using its scm_* API over the
older gh_* API), but the library isn't large (although that isn't a
major problem in an embedded language). Its documentation is also a
little flaky: what it documents it does well, but there are some useful
functions which aren't. It is also scary if you aren't used to

Python is the other obvious one because of its wide support within the
GNOME community. I don't know much about Lua, but a quick read of their
about page suggests python is a better match to the style of

The only other widely used embedded scripting language in the GNOME
community is perl, but its a lot rarer.

 - Callum

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