Re: Hearts considered?

Corey Burger wrote:
> On Fri, 26 May 2006, Bruce Alderson wrote:
> > Long time listener, first time caller ...
> >
> > I haven't heard mention of a Hearts implementation (but sometimes I don't get
> > to read the list).  Is it currently planned, shelved, or in progress?
> Hello Bruce,
> Have you tried 'Hearts for GNOME'?
> It doesn't have networking, but it's on the TODO-list.

On the one hand it is fantastic to know this game exists, hadn't heard of
it before.  On the other hand using radiolists for Yes and No (see
screenshots of the preferences dialog) instead of using checkboxes is - to
put it politely - not compliant with the Gnome HIG.


One of the goals of the project appears to be GNOME HIG compliance, so
I am certain patches would be accepted, as would bug reports.

They would be very welcome, as would some pointers into the HIG about this subject. I haven't done a whole lot of reading into the HIG yet. Hearts is my first free software project (actually, the first Linux app I try my hand of after a few years of Win32 coding) and I haven't been able to wrestle myself through all the thousands of pages of documentation on various topics scattered around the net :-)

It would be great if you heart could be developed for eventual
inclusion into gnome-games.

I had hoped to propose this one day when it's close to a 1.0 release or thereabouts. At the moment I'm working hard to get the basics done so I can do a 0.1 release. I'd be gratefull to have Hearts in gnome-games some day, if the (future) maintainer will have it.


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