Re: Important things todo before next release?

Richard Hoelscher wrote:
I'm going to do this and also add the SVG menu icons before I do the
release on Monday.

Adding those SVG menu icons is something that we really shouldn't do this
late in the cycle. Among other things, it'll drive the downstream package
maintainers nuts, and SVGs icons need more time in the wild so we know
that there's no obscure rendering bugs that'll hang the system and such.

If it's got to happen (I just can't get exited about Tango), please just
save it until the next cycle.

There are a lot of talented people involved with GNOME who can create nice graphics, that we could ask in order to make the icons for gnome-games look really great.. I don't think we should "settle" on the current icons, if many people don't like them. It seems to me that it would be best to delay it until the next development cycle. In particular, I think it would be very cool if Jakub Steiner ( or Tuomas Kuosmanen ( would be interested in helping to create new icons for GNOME Games. They have created a lot of nice icons for GNOME previously :-)

- Andreas

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