Re: Minutes of the Board meeting of October 29th, 2013

November 21, 2013 at 1:01 AM
Le lundi 18 novembre 2013, à 08:51 +0000, Ekaterina Gerasimova a écrit :
On 18 November 2013 01:02, Emily Gonyer <emilyyrose gmail com> wrote:
So, what would Ubuntu GNOME need to do to differentiate their logo
from the 'normal' GNOME logo?
Anything which would make the logo look like a different logo. You can
find an interesting article about this at (there is a section specifically about
GNOME towards the bottom)

Can you clarify whether the issue is that this is using the GNOME foot
or that it is the GNOME foot in white with a blue background?

(not sure I'm looking at the right logo, but I only see the one from

Can they not use the GNOME foot at all?
Yes, under nominative use when referring to GNOME itself. The logo and
trademark guidelines are available at

So I guess I didn't notice the time where we started to enforce this. I
do have issues with the guidelines, as I believe they're not working
well for a community driven project (and product!). I mean:

 - "Always ensure that the logo is black or white, depending on the
    background color (other colors are not permitted)"
    => we fail at this, as we produced relatively recently stickers with
       a yellow foot, and I'm pretty sure there are still many cases
       where this is ignored

 - "Always ensure that the logo is not embedded within other images or
    => we fail at this with the GNOME.Asia logo

A note on the GNOME.Asia logo. We have requested and received permission to use the GNOME logo in this aspect when we first created the logo in 2008.

If this has changed due to rule updates we will make adjustments as necessary.


Will LaShell

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