Re: XMP Toolkit error 102

Mike Gemünde-2 wrote:
> Hi,
> could you please upload a file which has the error somewhere?

On the linked directory I put two versions of the same file: one tagged with
f-spot, the other one with geeqie, plus the exv sidecars (obtained with
exiv2 -ea).

With the f-spot version I get the «102» error, with the other one all goes

I opened both files with vi, and I can see the f-spot tags are there, but
the syntax of the xml is slightly different.

I have now 8000+ photos, all carefully tagged with f-spot. Many hundreds of
them when opened with {exiv2,geeqie,digikam} show no tags or less tags than
the ones I see with f-spot.

My question: I reckon the standard library for exif/iptc/xmp is exiv2. On
that base, will f-spot fix the syntax of his tagging in a foreseeable
future? If so, will it be possible to do the «Tools->Sync catalog with
photos» trick?

If one of the above answers is «no», I will have to go through my 8000+
photos and re-do the tagging where needed with one of the other tools. That
would be less-than-pleasant.

I wait hoping a solution is already on the way :-)
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