Re: XMP Toolkit error 102


could you please upload a file which has the error somewhere?


Am Donnerstag, den 01.07.2010, 12:12 -0700 schrieb Piergi:
> Hi.
> When I tag photos with f-spot (, 0.6.2 and 0.7.0) and then open
> photos in other application (geeqie, exiv2, digikam) I receive this error
> message:
> XMP Toolkit error 102: Named children only allowed for schemas and structs
> and my tags don't get loaded/read in those others apps.
> The weird part is that *sometimes* it is like that, other times it is all
> good.
> I suspect that there has been a change in some library recently, because
> this behaviour is mostly with new tagged photos (again, not *all* of them,
> but I was not able to track that).
> Googling the error only leads to a German forum (but my German is almost
> useless).
> Thanks if somebody can point me to the right direction.
> Piergi

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